The South China Disputes and Opportunities for India (Hardback)
Dr I. Yaipharemba
₹1312₹1490(12% off)
The Book explores the South China Sea disputes and relative claims-historical exploration and occupations made by the disputing countries which reveal an interesting account of the original occupier of the islands. The significance of the South China Sea economically - hydrocarbon, marine resources and strategically-sea lanes, extension of EEZ is also discussed elaborately. The book discusses a diverse range of bilateral negotiations between ASEAN and China to maintain peace and stability in the region - 1992 ASEAN Declaration on the South China Sea, 2002 DOC, and UNCLOS provisions. The relative thrust of India’s entry and establishment of its strategic path in the region through economic and naval-diplomatic activities which is strong move and opportunity to engage China in their own backyard is also equally highlighted as a separate chapter.
The Book will be useful to scholars and researchers of security studies, political studies, international relations, as well as to Southeast Asian studies.