Contemporary Indian English Novels: Man-Woman Relationship (Hardback)

Contemporary Indian English Novels: Man-Woman Relationship (Hardback)

Geetanjali Tiwari
552 600 (8% off)
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The book has attempted to envision the relationships between men and women and their roles in society which are sadly unequal and reflective of a certain patriarchal philosophy. These facts are often embodied in the conception of literature and literary transcripts of feminist writers of contemporary 'third wave era of feminism'. The interpretations of few prominent current writers embedded in their fiction through sands of time have been reflected in this book. The fiction of these authors has attempted to examine the characters' portrayals, the script's language, the novelist's viewpoint, and the inter-character interactions in society. While viewing literature from a feminist opinion, the book tries to amalgamate consciously of our societies' outlooks regarding women, both in rural-urban divide, poor-rich gap, domestic-diasporas' experiences. The themes in all writers' included in here maintain that man-woman relations has altered significantly and requires now be observed with a different perception unshackled from point of patriarchal dominance and feminine subjugation in Indian society. The present day women from different social order, colours, religions and eco-backgrounds must elevate their expressions and challenge their rights and privileges negating age old marginalisation. The ideas of women need to be appreciated, valued and acknowledged with acceptance of gender equality, understanding of human relations, rationality, individual freedom, equal opportunity and accomplishment of their aspirations. This will culminate in growth in the economic sphere, in uniformity of opportunity and in civil rights both to the advancement of women upliftment and societal progression.