Super Fuel: Ketogenic Keys to Unlock the Secrets of Good Fats, Bad Fats and Great Health (Paperback)
James J. DiNicolantonio and Joseph Mercola
₹469₹469(0% off)
New York Times best-selling author Dr. Joseph Mercola teams up with cardiovascular expert Dr. James J. Dinicolantonio to cut through the confusion about how dietary fats affect our bodies-andd set the record straight on how to eat for optimal health. Should you cook with coconut oil or vegetable oil? Eat Butter, cream, or Olive oil? Supplement with fish oil or Flax oil? Sometimes it seems as if everyone has a different opinion on these crucial questions-butt this book holds real answers. Best-selling author and teacher Dr. Joseph Mercola teams up with cardiovascular expert Dr. James dinicolantonio to cut through the confusion about how dietary fats affect our bodies and set the record straight on how to eat for optimal well-being. Dr. Dinicolantonio, an internationally known and respected scientist, has spent nearly a decade studying the effects of different fats on the body. Dr. Mercola is one of the world's leading authorities on natural health. In superfuel, they've gathered a wealth of information and insight in a form that's both impeccably researched and highly accessible. You'll read about: the many health problems supposedly caused by saturated fat-thatt actually aren't why the so-called healthy vegetable oils are actually making you sick and fat the optimal Ratio of Omega to omega-6 fats in your diet foods that help resolve inflammation, increase longevity, and fight or prevent chronic illness a cyclical ketogenic eating plan that keeps your body burning fat as healthy fuel supplemental fats such as fish oil, krill oil, and Flax oil-whatt to take and how to choose which oils you should cook with, how to use them, and why and much more drawing on Dr. Dinicolantonio's first-hand research at saint Luke's Mid America heart Institute, as well as hundreds of ground-breaking studies from the medical literature, superfuel will give you the facts you need to optimise your fats and your health.