Developmental Economics: From Gender to Natural Resources (Hardback)

Developmental Economics: From Gender to Natural Resources (Hardback)

Dr Parikshit Sahu
833 895 (7% off)
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This book is enriched with different thematic areas containing multi-sectoral analysis of Indian as well as global economy. The themes of these topics covered Globalization, Natural Resources Management (NRM), Women Development, Forest Rights Act (FRA), Community Based Forest Management, Human resource Development (HRD), Social sectors development like education, health care and so on. Contents: Foreword Acknowledgement Preface Abbreviations 1. Quality Primary Education for Girls and Socio-Economic Development in India 2. Community Based Management of Natural Resources 3. Socio Economic Development Through Rural Development Programmes in India 4. Management of Human Resources and Globalization 5. Forest Rights Act and Community Based Forest Management 6. Green Business and Sustainable Economic Development 7. Natural Resources Management and Women Land Rights in India 8. Beggary and Economic Development: A Critical Economic Analysis 9. Globalised Economy and Women Development Bibliography Index