Protected Cultivation of Horticulture Crops (Hardback)

Protected Cultivation of Horticulture Crops (Hardback)

Itigi Prabhakar, B L Manjunatha and Swetha B S
2181 2450 (11% off)
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Protected cultivation of vegetables, fruits and commercial crops offers immense potentials to address the challenges of increasing production, productivity and sustainability of farming. The book covers various aspects of adoption of Protected Cultivation in India and Its socio-economic impact on farm households. The history of protected cultivation, its growth over the years in the context of various government programmes is critically documented. The adoption of protected cultivation and its impact on farm household in terms of employment generated, increase in production and productivity and farm incomes are discussed in details. The book is written keeping in view the diverse information needs of various stakeholders associated with the subject. The contents are presented in a very simple and lucid manner making it readable even for the person from non-technical background. The book acts as scientific guide for researchers, policy-makers, academicians, students and farmer on the issues of Protected Cultivation Technology. Contents: Introduction Review of Literature Research Methodology Results and Discussion Summary and Conclusion References