Medieval India: Ideas, Traditions and Cultural Values (Hardback)

Medieval India: Ideas, Traditions and Cultural Values (Hardback)

Ali Athar
936 995 (6% off)
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This book contains twenty three well researched and documented_articles by scholars of repute of their respective field of specialization. Traditions and culture of Medieval Kashmir, Kumaon, Deccan and Awadh have been reassessed through new sources of information and fresh interpretations have been put forward for the academics to analyze. India's cultural interaction with Central Asia and Europeans provides a new perspective for the researchers-Of Medieval India. Similarly, emergence of various-cultural and trade centres of Medieval India and its impact on the society has been meticulously studied and penned by the contributors of this book. The book includes traditional warfare, building technology, religious customs and practices, state formation in Rajputana and articles based onvertiacular literature-. This work will surely attract the attention of scholars interested in a new theme of ideas, tradition and cultural values of Medieval India.