An Introduction to Vedanta (Hardback)

An Introduction to Vedanta (Hardback)

R Subramony
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Vedanta holds an unparalleled and unique place among the six systems of Indian philosophy. Though the Vedas are the fountainhead of Indian philosophical systems, Vedanta incorporates the philosophical thoughts resplendent in the Upanishads, the Brahmasutras, the Bhagavatgita, and in the commentaries on all these texts. An Introduction to Vedanta introduces the Vedanta philosophy in brief and talks about its cardinal issues like self-control and the meaning of worship, maya and its gunas, upadhi, the theory of cycle, subtle bodies, the role of meditation, samadhi and its four major obstacles, Brahman realization and the state of a jivanmukta and his relation with Brahman and the world. CONTENTS Preface Introduction The Origin of Hindu Philosophy The Vedas The Divisions of the Vedas The Upanishads Vedanta Religion and Philosophy The Proof of Truth The Four Stages of Life The Four Ideals The Four Castes Karma and Rebirth The Guru Four Qualifications of the Pupil The Meaning of Self-control Vedanta and Worship The Methods of Vedanta The Meaning of Maya The Three Gunas Maya: A Statement of Fact The Two Powers of Maya Projection Power and Veiling Power Two Modes of Maya The Upadhi Microcosm and Macrocosm Turiya The Theory of the Cycle Cosmology Efficient and Material Cause Subtle Elements Subtle Bodies The Jiva (Living Soul) Gross Elements The Gross Universe Summer of Cosmology Erroneous Ideas about the Self Apavada That Thou Art The Practice of Meditation Obstacles to Samadhi The Goal The Jivanmukta: The Liberated Man Bibliography and Suggested Reading