EVOLUTION OF THE BUDDHA IMAGE is a catalogue of an exhibition selected by Professor Benjamin Rowland. Jr, and shown in the Galleries of Asia House as an activity of the Asia Society, to further greater understanding and mutual appreciation between the United States and the peoples of Asia.
“We are fortunate in having obtained the learned services of Professor Benjamin Roland at the William Hayes Fogg Art Museum of Harvard University in assembling this exhibition. Not only has Professor Rowland written the complete text of this catalogue, which offers a unique and expert survey of the theme, but he has also selected the illustrations to his text as well as the works of art that permit us to trace the evolution of the Buddha image through a series of original documents. The catalogue, as a book, and the exhibition itself have been designed by Richard Cleveland of the Asia House Gallery.
We wish to express our warmest gratitude to all of the lenders, both American and foreign, who have permitted us to borrow their treasures on this occasion”. – Asia House Gallery