Subsidiary Enterprises to Empower Women and Rural Youths (Hardback)

Subsidiary Enterprises to Empower Women and Rural Youths (Hardback)

Edited by Saroj Toppo, Tasvina R Borah, Nazrul Haque and Abhijit Mitra
2246 2495 (10% off)
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The Book is useful to agrarian household especially women folk, landless farm labors, the unemployed youth and economically weaker sections of the society. The book deals with various -agri-allied enterprises for subsidiary income such as mushroom cultivation, apiculture, orchid production, ornamental fish farming, piggery, poultry, duck and goat rearing. These subsidiary enterprises involve activities that can be carried out without affecting major farm operations. The capital investments are comparatively low and so becomes a profitable venture for the women and rural youths. However, for an enterprise to be successful the involvement of farmers and the development of producers organizations are important. These aspects are also dealt with, analyzed and discussed in the book for appraising budding entrepreneurs. The book can be a resourceful guide for beginners on any of the subsidiary enterprises discussed with overall information from variety/breed/species selection to care and management of the components, economics of production involved. Hence, the book has multipronged use for the different stakeholders be it the farmer, women, rural youth or students undergoing vocational courses to know the importance of subsidiary enterprises.