Ecofeminism: Feminist Intersections With other Animals & The Earth (Paperback)

Ecofeminism: Feminist Intersections With other Animals & The Earth (Paperback)

Edited by Carol J Adams and Lori Gruen
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Leading feminist scholars and activists as well as new voices introduce and explore themes central to contemporary ecofeminism. Ecofeminism: Feminist Intersections with Other Animals and the Earth first offers an historical, grounding overview that situates ecofeminist theory and activism and provides a timeline for important publications and events. This is followed by contributions from leading theorists and activists on how our emotions and embodiment can and must inform our relationships with the more than human world. In the final section, the contributors explore the complexities of appreciating difference and the possibilities of living less violently. Throughout the book, the authors engage with intersections of gender and gender non-conformity, race, sexuality, disability, and species. The result is a new up-to-date resource for students and teachers of animal studies, environmental studies, feminist/gender studies, and practical ethics. Table of contents Acknowledgements Notes on Contributors List of Illustrations Introduction: Carol J. Adams, USA and Lori Gruen, Wesleyan University, USA 1. Groundwork: Carol J. Adams, USA and Lori Gruen, Wesleyan University, USA Part 1 Affect 2. Compassion and Being Human: Deane Curtin, Gustavus Adolphus College, USA 3. Joy: Deborah Slicer, University of Montana, USA 4. Participatory Epistemology, Sympathy, and Animal Ethics: Josephine Donovan, University of Maine, USA 5. Eros and the Mechanisms of Eco-Defense: pattrice jones, Minneapolis Community & Technical College, USA 6. Vulnerability and Dependency and the Ethics of Care: Sunny Taylor, New York University, USA 7. Facing Death and Practicing Grief: Lori Gruen, Wesleyan University, USA Part 2 Context 8. Caring Cannibals: Testing Contextual Edibility for Speciesism: Ralph Acampora, Hofstra University, USA 9. Inter-Animal Moral Conflicts and Moral Repair: A Contextualized Ecofeminism Approach in Action: Karen S. Emmerman, University of Washington, USA 10. The Wonderful, Horrible Life of Michael Vick: Claire Kim, University of California, Irvine, USA 11. Ecofeminism and Veganism-Revisiting the Question of Universalism: Richard Twine, University of London, United Kingdom 12. Why a Pig? A reclining nude reveals the intersections of race, sex, slavery, and species: Carol J. Adams, USA 13. Toward New EcoMasculinities, EcoGenders, and EcoSexualities: Greta Gaard, University of Wisconsin-River Falls, USA References Index