Gender and Globalisation (Hardback)

Gender and Globalisation (Hardback)

Edited by Rekha Pande, Sita Vanka and S Jeevanandam
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In the globalising world today, it is the economic changes that are altering structures and cultures. Most of the economies of the developing world are now in the process of restructuring in the direction of free market and liberalisation with an overall aim at developing outward looking internationally competitive economies, with negative social consequences. The free play of markets, liberalisation, privatisation and competition have become the keywords in the path towards globalisation. One of the serious concerns today is the impact of globalisation on gender. How do economic integration, technical change, and access to information have an impact on gender inequality? There have been various arguments for and against globalisation. Some argue that globalisation has brought increased access to economic opportunities. Trade openness and the spread of information and communication technologies (ICTs) have increased women’s access to economic opportunities and, in some cases, increased their wages relative to men’s. Growth in export and ICT-enabled sectors, together with a decline in the importance of physical strength and a rise in the importance of cognitive skills, has increased the demand for female labour. ICT has also increased access to markets among female farmers and entrepreneurs by easing time and mobility constraints. Others argue that not everyone is benefiting from globalisation. Women, for whom existing constraints are most binding, are often left behind. While the forces unleashed by globalisation have lifted some of the barriers to greater gender equality, public action is needed to lift these further. Public policy further needs to address gender gaps in endowments, agency, and access to economic opportunities. There is a need to make a collective and concentrated effort to accommodate the strategic gender needs so that in this period of transition, social safety nets are created for the vulnerable sections in society. The various essays in this book examine the impact of globalisation and the challenges that it has posed. We hope this book would be useful to students and scholars interested in understanding globalisation and its impact on society, economy and several other institutions. CONTENTS Introduction 1. Global Development and Feminist Concerns / Ishrat Khan 2. Women and Climate Change: Developmental Challenges in Anambra State of Nigeria (2000 and Beyond) / Anthonia Ogo Uzuegbunam 3. Empowering Women through Alternative Economic Practice: A Case Study of Rural Women’s Cooperative in Post-Socialism China / Guo Yanping 4. Globalisation and Future Crimes: A Gender Perspective / M.N. Rajesh 5. Self-Determination: Genesis and Tibetan Women / Arnav Keyur Anjaria 6. Globalisation and Women in India: Issues and Concerns / Rashmimala Sahu 7. Gendered Politics of Presence in Indian Democracy: Empirical Evidences from West Bengal / Satarupa Pal 8. Rural Development Policies and Development of Women: An Overview of Local Governance in India / Tejeswar Karkora 9. Gender Impact on Mining: An Analysis of Mining Districts of Odisha / Minati Sahoo 10. Gender and Globalisation: Agricultural Sector in India / Ratna Amrit 11. Feminisation of Causal Jobs in Higher Education: An Appraisal of Colleges in Haryana / Savita Bhagat 12. Women in Politics: With Special Reference to Panchayati Raj Institutions / M. Uma Maheswari and S. Ambika 13. Livelihood Strategies of Displaced Women: A Case Study in Chennai / Gajendran V. 14. Brand and Bride: Emergence of the Indian Bride in Popular Visual Culture / Jhilam Chattaraj 15. Problematising the Gender-inclusive Policies Followed in Kolkata’s Software Industry: Challenging the Transition from Inclusivity to Empowered Workplace / Asmita Bhattacharyya 16. Indian Women in Information and Communication Technology Sector and Globalisation: A Socio-economic Analysis / Anjali Chavhan 17. Globalisation, Democratisation, and Gender Equality Policy in Azerbaijan / Kifayat Jabi Aghayeva 18. Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals from Gender Equality Perspective / Pradeep Kumar Panda