Elite RET Species of Dendrobium of North-East India - Illustrated (Paperback)

Elite RET Species of Dendrobium of North-East India - Illustrated (Paperback)

Diana Rajkumari
672 700 (4% off)
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Regarding the book Professor Jiten Sharma said that the north eastern region of India has rich resources of biodiversity as it falls within the Indo-Burma mega biodiversity hotspot and eastern Himalayan region. It has a huge resource of plants which belong to the family orchidaceae. This particular pocket of the Indian sub-continent abounds in orchid plants with ornamental, medicinal and aesthetic values that include various Rare Endangered and Threatened (RET) species, the profession said adding that Orchids are known for its graceful and elegant flowers with diverse floral structures of various shapes, sizes and colours. They are the most highly evolved monocots (roughly about 100 millions years old) belonging to the family orchidaceae comprising of more than 788 genera and 18500 species. The genus Dendrobium is the second largest group in orchidaceae with 1536 species widely distributed in the countries like India, China, South East Asia, Japan, Malaya, Philippines, New Guinea, Australia, Pacific Islands and New Zealand, Professor Jiten highlighted on topic maintaining that most Dendrobium species are threatened due to various anthropogenic activities such as destruction and damage of natural ecosystem and also the illegal collection and trafficking.