Public Distribution System in Odisha: An Analytical View (Hardback)

Public Distribution System in Odisha: An Analytical View (Hardback)

Dr Barada Prasanna Mohapatra and Dr Debendra Kumar Mahalik
976 995 (2% off)
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Public Distribution System is created under ministry of consumer affairs, Food and Public distribution. The Government of India is accountable to supply the subsidized food grains to all needy people through Fair Price Shops (FPS) under PDS. Despite number of developments in PDS, the India is still facing food insecurity. PDS is ranked third in corruption in the 5 services of the Government like Schooling, water supply, PDS, electricity and Hospital. Diversion of food grains occurs in different phases like, at the time of Procurement, at the time of movement of commodity to warehouses, at the time of movement of commodities from warehouse to FPSs, and at the FPSs level. If these problems will continue, then the question will arise regarding the sustainability of PDS in future in fulfilling the objectives of the Government. In this Book, an attempt has been taken to highlight the current problems and challenges existing in the PDS system in State of Odisha and time to time implemented techniques and methods to improve the PDS system to increase effectiveness and better services to the beneficiaries under PDS.