Chemistry of Insecticides and Fungicides (3rd Revised Edition)

Chemistry of Insecticides and Fungicides (3rd Revised Edition)

Sree Ramulu
2336 2595 (10% off)
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The Chemistry of Insecticides and Fungicides. Information on their nomenclature, glossary of terms and such other related topics that could help a beginner and an extension worker to comprehend the subject without difficulty have also been added. This revision of Chemistry of Insecticides and Fungicides follows the same general pattern as the original edition. However in this edition, information on production, utilisation of pesticides in India and also list of important references have been uptodated. Additional information on integrated pest control, synthetic pyrethroids, and first aid measures in the event of pesticides poisoning have been added in this edition. Contents: I. Introduction II. Methods of Pest Control III. Formulations and their Characteristics INSECTICIDES IV. Inorganic Insecticides V. Natural Organic Insecticides VI. Oils VII. Organochlorinated Hydrocarbons VIII. Organophosphorus Insecticides IX. Carbamate Insecticides X. Miscellaneous Synthetic Organic Insecticides FUNGICIDES XI. Sulphur Fungicides XII. Copper Compounds XIII. Mercury Fungicides XIV. Miscellaneous Organic Fungicides XV. Systemic Fungicides XVI. Combatibility of Pesticides with Agrochemicals XVII. Development of Pesticides XVIII. Reactions of Pesticides with Soils APPENDIX Appendix I: Standard Solutions and Spray Solutions Appendix II: Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds Appendix III: Acute Toxicity Data of Pesticides Glossary of Terms used in Pesticides Chemistry Important Reference Books and Journals