Competitive Plant Pathology ( For ICAR-JRF, SRF,ARS-NET and other State Competitive Exams) Hardback

Competitive Plant Pathology ( For ICAR-JRF, SRF,ARS-NET and other State Competitive Exams) Hardback

Ram Niwas, Upasna Priya and Shivam Maurya
2205 2450 (10% off)
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This Book has been written keeping in mind the various competitive exams related to the disipline of plant pathology. Many good theoretical books were referred while writing this book. In this book a lot of objective of plant pathology and previous years question of the ICAR-NET and ICAR-SRF were also included. This books is very useful for cracking ICAR-SRF exams and also helpful for those students who are preperaing for the ASRB-NET and other competitive exams. This books will be very helpful for those students who are prepring for JRF and SRF with plant pathology as a subject. This book consists of 10 chapters covering all areas of plant pathology discipline, usually focusing those areas from where questions come in ICAR-SRF and NET exams. The authors believe that this book will be of immense use for NET and SRF aspiration thus, this book is very useful to all studetns research scholars and teachers of agricultural sciences and its allied subjects besides serving as a ready reference to the professors.