Colours of Love and Other Poems (Paperback)

Colours of Love and Other Poems (Paperback)

Namita Rani Panda
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Mrs Namita Rani Panda is a multilingual poet, story writer and translator from Sambalpur district of Odisha, India. She now works as Vice-Principal of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Cuttack under the Ministry of HRD, Department of School Education and Literacy, Govt. of India. NVR, RO Bhopal has conferred on her Academic Excellence Award 2017 for her outstanding performance as a subject teacher in English.She has four solo anthologies to her credit: Blue Butterflies, Rippling Feelings, A Slice of Sky and A Song for Myself. Her signature words are love, optimism which can be felt in most of her creations. The main themes of her concerns are love and issues related to life. Her poems are highly acclaimed in many National and International magazines and journals. Some of her poems are also translated into other languages like Albanian and Azerbaijani. She is an active member of Cosmic Crew, a literary group of female poets in Odisha working with the motto “My pen for the world.” She has acted as Chief Editor of Radical Rhythm-2, an anthology of poems, published by Cosmic Crew.