Government Media: Autonomy and After (Hardback)

Government Media: Autonomy and After (Hardback)

Edited by G S Bhargava
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THE Prasar Bharati Bill of 1989 had brought into focus the conceptual and practical aspects of autonomy for the government owned Akashvani and Doordarshan. How meaningful was the change envisaged in the legislation, conceptually and in practice? Would autonomy be an inadequate half way house or could it lead to independence for the electronics media? What about the danger of domination by commercial interests? How to promote the countervailing forces of competition, professionalism among media practitioner and public awareness? This book brings together the assessments and answers to these and related questions by administrators, economists, media practitioners and others. It also looks beyond into the need for the media to play a creative role in nation building and promotion of democratic values.