Adaptive Crop Protection Management (Hardback)

Adaptive Crop Protection Management (Hardback)

D Prasad, Gopal Lal and Imtiyaz Ahmad
3400 4250 (20% off)
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Crop protection has become one of the important inputs in agricultural crops. In the context of the changing cropping pattern and the environment degradation, strategies are needed to minimize use of pesticides hence eco-friendly means and options are presently required and have special significance. During the past few decades, the science of crop protection has developed rapidly, resulting in many diverse techniques to manage a variety of pests, pathogens and nematodes. The prospects of use of pesticides do not appear good because of accidental and incidental trauma encountered in the field of chemical pesticides. Therefore, vigorous research efforts for the control of various pests become imperative. The book contains 30 thought-provoking chapters, not only provides reference but also serve as guide for future research workers into the realm of biological, chemical, physical and onslaughts of modern agriculture on it. The scientists, teachers, students, administrators and policy-makers dealing with pests and diseases management strategies will be benefited.