Basic and Applied Zoology (Hardback)

Basic and Applied Zoology (Hardback)

Sanjay C Masih and Rayees Ahmad Bhat
2246 2495 (10% off)
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Contents: 1. Beekeeping: scope and future prospects 2. Effect of organophosphate on intestinal health of domesticated animals 3. Avian biodiversity of India 4. A preliminary study on the faunal diversity of butterfliesin doda district of Jammu and kashmir 5. Qualitative and quantitative characterization of bivoltine silkworm breeds 6. Stem cell therapy 7. Role of micronucleus test in relation to fish toxicogenomics 8. Mycotoxins - a threat to crop, human and animal health 9. Recent advances in fish gametogenesis (Teleost) gonads 10. Aquatic toxicology: toxicity testing for identifying toxic substances in water 11. Role of recombinant somatotropin (rBST) in bovinemilk production 12. Rumen dysfunctions, their treatment and prevention in ruminants 13. Backyard poultry production and their economic achievements