“Adhyathma Ramayanam” has a subtitle here 'Go-Together' (Go-To-Get-Her). There are about thirty eight versions of the Ramayanam. Among them all, the 'Adhyathma Ramayanam' is completely epitomized as a paragon. It is so, because, the origin of it is traced to Lord Shivan. The Adhyathma Ramayanam has been expounded from the lotus lips of Lord Shivan Himself. At the behest of His Divine Consort Sri Parvathi Devi who wanted to know all about the Avathar (incarnation) of Sri Raman and Sri Sita Devi, Lord Shivan recounts the saga of the Divine couple. Adhyathma Ramayanam is so important and special for it teaches pure spiritualism, mainly, through the chapter 'Rama Gitai' which is not found in any other Ramayanams. This Rama Gitai is preached to Lakshmanan by Sri Raman.
The great Sage Vyasar has enunciated the 'Adhyathma Ramayanam' for the betterment and
welfare of humanity. It emancipates the reader from all actions and inaction. Hence it embodies such tenets of the highest rank and serves as a guiding force, drawing inspiration from it, to lead this materialistic life in this mundane world. So let us immerse ourselves in the vast ocean of spiritual treasure to soothe our soul, refresh our spirit and enlighten our mind and thereby get the blessings of Lord Raman upon us.