The Night of Fear (Paperback)

The Night of Fear (Paperback)

Abha Sharma
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We are not always what we think we are, but we can become what we choose to become. The Mahaguru proclaimed that the temple was a rare pure spot on earth and a ‘divine’ blessing for the people of the Himalayan town, but he also warned that dark forces had already laid siege to the temple. Within the walls of the revered mountaintop temple thrives a temple legend. When a young girl accidentally discovers the truth, her life takes a dramatic turn. If she exposes the truth, the dark forces will have their revenge. If she doesn’t, she won’t be able to live with herself. Will the young girl survive? Can the temple remain pure? Before she can take on the influential outside world, she has to battle the monsters within—the helplessness, the fear and the weight of past failures.