Beyond the Veil: The History of Bharatavarsha (Paperback)

Beyond the Veil: The History of Bharatavarsha (Paperback)

R S Narayanaswami Translated by Subramani Ra Mancombu and Aiyasami Uthandaraman
713 750 (5% off)
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Today, the general feeling is that Indian history, as presented in text books and reasearch works, is neither vivid nor in the proper perspective. Western historians seem to concur on the various kingdoms that have existed in India but have divergent views on their period of ruling and existence. The bane of Indian history is that the researchers seem to have gone by the versions of western historians without making a conscientious effort to delve into our rich historical resources such as puranas and literature. This has led them to believe and also impress on readers that Indian history begins with the invasion of Alexander The Great. Depicting Aryans as those who had come to India to invade it is one such blunder. Rich resources galore such as the Mohenjo Daro and Harappa civilizations to prove that Indian history dates back to at least 5,000 years ago and not from 600 BC as some historians would like us to believe. People are veering round to the view that Vedic age had existed. That was around 3,000 BC and then, history shifts to 600 BC. Does this mean that nothing noteworthy happened during the interregnum? “Beyond The Veil :The History of Bharatavarsha” is an attempt to bring some of these hidden facts to the fore. It also unravels the truths of events that happened during the reigns of the Mughals and the British. It brings to surface some of the atrocities perpetrated by rulers from the time the Mughals invaded India till the British set sail from our shores. The book seeks to present Indian history in the proper perspective.