Practicals in Basic Entomology (Hardback)

Practicals in Basic Entomology (Hardback)

T V Sathe, P M Bhoje and Vaishali S Kolekar
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'The book covers twenty experiments based on various aspects on taxonomy, anatomy, physiology, histology, enzymology, contains various methods of insect collection and preservation. The popular tests covered under this book include, chitin test, uric acid test, waxy component test, red dye test, enzymes, chemo reception and neurosecretary cells. Qualitative and quantitative count of haemocytes. Dissection of grasshopper, blister beetle and plant bug is also an important part of the book. Appropriate photographs and sketches will certainly and relevance in understanding the experiments. Thus, the book will fulfil the demand for Entomology students.' Table of Contents Chapter 1: Insect Collection and Preservation Chapter 2: Detection of Chitin in Insect Cuticle Chapter 3: Detection of Waxy Component in Insect Cuticle Chapter 4: Detection of Uric Acid in Insects Chapter 5: To Measure the Rate of Spiracular Movement in a Given Insect Chapter 6: Detection of Loss of Moisture During Respiration Chapter 7: Demonstration of Uptake of Dye by Malpighian Tubules in a Given Insect Chapter 8: Histological Preparation of Haemocytes from Haemolymph of a Given Insect Chapter 9: Qualitative Count of Haemocytes in a Given Insect: Chapter 10: Quantitative Count of Haemocytes from Blood of a Given Insect Chapter 11: Chromatographic Separation of Amino Acids from Haemolymph of a Given Insect Chapter 12: Demonstration of Neurosecretory Cells in a Brain of a Given Insect Chapter 13: Detection of Enzymes from Salivary Gland of a Given Insect Chapter 14: Detection of Digestive Enzymes from the Gut of a Given Insect Chapter 15: To Estimate from a Given Insect Chapter 16: To Find Out Lethal Dose (LC-50) of Insecticide in Insect Chapter 17: Demonstration of Chemoreception in House Fly (Response to Sweet-Sucrose/Glucose) Chapter 18: Dissection of Blister Beetle Chapter 19: Dissection of Plant Bug; Chapter 20: Dissection of Grass Hopper