Objective Forestry: For ICAR, ARS-NET, JRF, SRF, SAU's, AIEEA-PG, FRI, ICFRE, ACF, RFO, UPSC, Civil Services and Other Allied Examinations (Paperback)

Objective Forestry: For ICAR, ARS-NET, JRF, SRF, SAU's, AIEEA-PG, FRI, ICFRE, ACF, RFO, UPSC, Civil Services and Other Allied Examinations (Paperback)

Bimlendra Kumari and B B Singh
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'The present book Objective Forestry is a compilation work and embodies a fairly comprehensive treatment of the objective type questions. Every possible effort has been made to accommodate previous year questions from various competitive examination. It contains 22 chapters covering all related disciplines. These chapters include forestry : an introduction, forest ecology and silviculture, agroforestry, tree nursery and regeneration of tree, forest soils, forest management, forest mensuration, tree breeding and improvements, forest entomology, forest pathology, forest protection and conservation, surveying and forest engineering, forest economics, forest soil and moisture conservation, irrigation and water management, forest tribology and ethnobotany, wood science and technology, forest utilization, non-timber forest produces, wildlife management and conservation, forestry and extension Read more Table of Contents Prefacev 1.Forestry: An Introduction1 2.Forest Ecology and Silviculture13 3.Agroforestry58 4.Tree Nursery and Regeneration of Tree82 5.Forest Soils90 6.Forest Management113 7.Forest Mensuration146 8.Tree Breeding and Improvements169 9.Forest Entomology181 10.Forest Pathology198 11.Forest Protection and Conservation210 12.Surveying and Forest Engineering230 13.Forest Economics237 14.Forest Soil and Moisture Conservation255 15.Irrigation and Water Management272 16.Forest Tribology and Ethnobotany295 17.Wood Science and Technology302 18.Forest Utilization320 19.Non-Timber Forest Produces342 20.Wildlife Management and Conservation350 21.Forestry and Extension Education362 22.Forest Policy and Legislations373