Collected Poems of P C K Prem (4 Vols) Paperback

Collected Poems of P C K Prem (4 Vols) Paperback

P C K Prem
1876 1995 (6% off)
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Vol. I: Emotions and experiences cause tremendous stress when articulation of the indefinable shadows the real meaning and hence, indistinctness emerges. Humanistic thoughts percolate down the psyche and imbibe invasive thought patterns of wellbeing of humankind irrespective of doctrines humanity frames through ages. Vol. II: Poetic explosions underscore anxieties of present and future with bits and pieces of past- a few gratifying and some skeptical. A short journey to debacles inside born of current agony and anticipation distresses,for a man experiences ‘a self perpetuating refusal to fight a battle of survival in age of nuclear fear and unending blasts in disgust -a man makes a decision to wipe out the race of man.’ Vol. III: To go beyond the traditional restrictions in a cheery frame of heart and intellect is poetry. Many times, it brings not only distrust but also uncertainty. Path of ethical organism a man constructs appears multipart and if it proves uninteresting at times, it also stirs and so, lyrical vibrations seem exciting. Volume IV: Poetry lives in the heart, gives unambiguous contour to life forms of natural world and the world of man, and concretizes experiences felt and impressions faintly imprinted without cataloguing discernible presence. It endeavours to give it character and inner strength with regard to spiritual inquests, preserves intuitive distinction, and thus, protects from lethal personality failings and negative aspects.