Environmental Sustainability, Social Justice and Law (Hardback)

Environmental Sustainability, Social Justice and Law (Hardback)

Sadhna Gupta
1350 1500 (10% off)
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In the present century environmental degradation has emerged as a major global concern for human survival. The situation is getting alarming day by day. The current global environmental crisis is primarily the result of non- standardized parameters for environmental regulation. It is for these reason environmental issues are intensely debated occasionally. The book provides a comprehensive study between environment sustainability, social justice and law. Social Justice constitutes an inherent part of the conception of sustainable development that the World Commission on Environment and Development outlined in Our Common Future (1987). The Environment and Sustainable Development Programme focuses on the integration of economic, social and environmental aspects towards a balanced holistic concept of sustainable development. One of the major goals is to combat climate change, which would entail climate action, industry innovation and infrastructure, use of affordable and clean energy and building sustainable cities and communities. In order to maintain a balance between development and environment, the principle of Sustainable Development which encompasses the ‘Precautionary Principle’ must be followed while envisaging a project. Undeniably, Sustainable Development is the need of the hour. With the advent of energy efficient technology, a harmonious marriage between development and environment is possible. The book specially raises issues as to environment degradation and the laws that are to combat to it and also to the role of the policy makers. Lucid and authoritative, this volume will be an essential reference work for students, researcher,legal professionals, and officials in state pollution control boards, policymakers in the field of industry and environment, and NGOs working on environmental issues.