Vascular Flora of Punjab and Chandigarh: Vol. II Dicotyledonae- Gamopetalae & Monochlamydeae (Hardback)

Vascular Flora of Punjab and Chandigarh: Vol. II Dicotyledonae- Gamopetalae & Monochlamydeae (Hardback)

M Sharma
3347 3450 (3% off)
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No up-to-date descriptive Flora for Punjab incorporating all the vascular plants has ever been written since the year 1838 when Edgeworth for the first time touched the study of Botany in Punjab. The present book is fundamentally based on plant explorations and field studies in the area, and laboratory and herbarium investigations for over half a century by the author. It is an attempt to bring all the available floristic information regarding the vascular plants of Punjab state and Union Territory of Chandigarh (joint capital of Punjab and Haryana states) in one place and consolidate it in the form of a comprehensive Flora. The book comprises 2414 taxa (2370 species + 44 infraspecific taxa with wild and naturalized plants represented by 1340 species and 34 infraspecific taxa) belonging to 1123 genera and 200 families. Punjab and Chandigarh are essentially a part of the semi-arid zone of the country, through northwards the tract becomes more humid and supports relatively luxuriant vegetation especially towards (including Chandigarh) and in Shivalik hills which continue with the hilly states of Himachal Pradesh and partly Jammu and Kashmir. The primary objectives of the book are to give a factual and exhaustive current status of the existing vegetation; identify the vascular plants (wild and cultivated) with the help of analytical keys, concise descriptions of various taxa, and detailed illustrations and photographs of selected representatives; besides bringing the nomenclature of taxa up-to-date. Incorporation of recorded chromosome numbers, Latin abbreviations, and their meaning, and index of all authors’ of plant names with standard abbreviations are an additional attraction of the work. A short description of each family has been provided along with a total number of genera/species in the world and India. This is followed by a concise generic description. For these taxa, a mention has been made of the number of their components in the world and India.Contents: Volume II: (Dicotyledonae – Gamopetalae and Monochlamydeae: 1. Families of Dicotyledonae. 2. Index to the names of families and described genera in Vol. II.