Reviews on Indian Medicinal Plants Volume 23 (Ra-Ru) Hardback

Reviews on Indian Medicinal Plants Volume 23 (Ra-Ru) Hardback

Neeraj Tandon, Parul Sharma, Sarika Srivastava, Ruchi Solanki and Charu Mahawar
2147 2260 (5% off)
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Contents Foreword Preface Acknowledgements Abbreviations Introduction Monographs Rabdosia 1 Radermachera 5 Randia 13 Ranunculus 43 Rapanea 56 Raphanus 57 Rauvolfia 101 Ravenala 168 Ravenia 171 Reidia 174 Reinwardtia 176 Reinwardtiodendron 182 Remusatia 183 Rhamnus 188 Rhaphidophora 204 Rhapis 213 Rhazya 215 Rheum 222 Rhinacanthus 268 Rhizophora 281 Rhodiola 327 Rhododendron 354 Rhodomyrtus 418 Rhus 424 Rhynchosia 466 Rhynchostylis 493 Rhynchotechum 498 Ribes 501 Richardia 507 Ricinus 510 Rinorea 590 Rivea 592 Rivina 610 Robinia 616 Roegneria 621 Rorippa 622 Rosa 628 Roscoea 691 Rosmarinus 699 Rostellularia 726 Rotala 736 Rothia 749 Rothmannia 751 Rottboellia 752 Rotula 755 Rourea 768 Roylea 772 Roystonea 782 Rubia 784 Rubus 837 Rudbeckia 879 Ruellia 881 Rumex 904 Rungia 950 Ruscus 961 Russelia 963 Ruta 965 Appendices I. List of plants reported for only ethnobotanical/traditional uses 997 II. List of plants not included in the volume due to change in botanical nomenclature 1015 III. List of some important books, treatises and encyclopedias referred 1016 Indices I. Index of family names including generic names 1031 II. Index of botanical names 1033 III. Index of chemical constituents 1041 IV. Index of pharmacological and biological activity 1047 V. Index of regional and other names 1061