Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management (Hardback)

Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management (Hardback)

Gopala and R K Singh
1921 2495 (23% off)
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Contents: 1 Collection and Preservation of Diseased Specimens 2 Symptomatology 3 General description of Different Structures of Fungi DISEASES OF FIELD CROPS 4 Diseases of Wheat 5 Diseases of Sugarcane 6 Diseases of Sunflower 7 Diseases of Mustard 8 Diseases of Gram and Lentil 9 Diseases of Cotton 10 Diseases of Pea DISEASES OF HORTICULTURAL CROPS 11 Diseases of Mango 12 Diseases of Citrus and Grapevine 13 Diseases of Apple 14 Diseases of Peach and Strawberry 15 Diseases of Potato 16 Diseases of Cucurbits 17 Diseases of Onion and Garlic 18 Diseases of Chillies 19 Diseases of Coriander and Turmeric 20 Diseases of Marigold and Rose