The History of Modernism in India (Hardback)

The History of Modernism in India (Hardback)

Amitabh Sengupta
2975 3500 (15% off)
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Is modernism new in India? That would be another analysis, but the English word modernism has linguistic and historical belonging to the west. So, the assumption: as provincialized in the west, it cannot happen in another place. On another view, modernism is knowledge, and like all knowledge, it has a journey without boundary; it takes another shape in a new locality such as India. Modernism in the present context is essentially the colonial experience, and it created an authenticity that links India to the west. Within this primary state, the book observes: Modernism has a hysteresis effect since specific historical interpretations have pushed the society into an impasse. One such perception is a monolithic Hindu structure, maintaining the Caste, endless Quotas and fracturing the society into Protective groups and communities. Even though lower-Caste, Casteless, the vast Adivasi groups, and tribes are the more extensive section, the overture of majoritarian interpretation is a social paradox and a threat to the dream of a homeland with multi-religious, multiethnic communities. In this context, modernism, within the frame of equality, secularism, and democracy, seems to be marooned within the postcolonial political culture. However, one can also observe modernism created a synergy, individual search, global merging, and often negotiating traditional conflicts. Finally, the book leaves an apprehension: since modernism does not control events, stays within metaphysical thoughts, another ‘authenticity’ is gathering force within corporate priorities. Corporization is foreclosing the trends of national cultures and focusing on transregional control, and imposing global similarities.