Contents: Unit I: Reproductive Systems in Plant Breeding: 1. Objectives, history and achievement. 2. Centre of diversity and origin. 3. Plant genetic resources. 4. Germplasm exploration. 5. Mode of pollination and reproduction. 6. Self incompatibility in crop plants. 7. Male sterility system in plants. 8. Environmentally sensitive genetic male sterile system. 9. Apomixis. Unit II: Breeding Methods of Self Pollinated Crops: 10. Polygenic variation. 11. Plant introduction. 12. Genetic basis of self pollinated crops.13. Pure line selection. 14. Hybridization and selection. 15. Pedigree method and bulk method.16. Single seed descent method. 17. Back cross breeding.18. Multiline development. Unit III: Breeding Methods of Cross Pollinated Crops and Clonally Propagated Crops: 19. Population improvement approaches. 20. Mass selection. 21. Recurrent selection. 22. Heterosis breeding. 23. Inbred and hybrid development. 24. Synthetics and composites. 25. Clonal selection. 26.ploidy breeding. 27. Wide hybridization. 28. Mutation breeding. Unit IV: Special Breeding Methods: 29. Breeding for disease and insect resistance. 30. Breeding for drought resistance. Unit V: Varietal Release, Seed Production, Markers And IPR: 31. Release of new variety. 32. Marker assisted breeding. 33. Participatory plant breeding.