R Ajaykumar, A Rajeshkumar, S Ramadass and K Sivasabari
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Agronomic glimpse of rice-based cropping and farming system is a practical research guide to improve the socio-economic status of farmers that provides background information as well as details of soil-improving practices, cropping and farming system practices, nutrient management aspects, water management and weed management strategies in rice-based cropping systems.
This book is meant to give the reader a holistic appreciation of the importance of rice-based cropping and farming systems to improve the standards of living and to suggest ecologically sound practices that help to improve the socio-economic status of farmers. In addition, updated several studies to describe a number of key practices that enhance the health of the farmers by improving the soils.
There are just too many differences from one field to another, one farm to another, and one region to another, to warrant blanket recommendations. To make specific suggestions, it is necessary to know the details of the soil, crop, climate, machinery, human considerations, and other variable factors. Good soil management needs to be adaptive and is better achieved through education and understanding than with simple recommendations.
Contents: Farming System Research on Rice Based Cropping System
1. Farming Systems Research and Development
2. Crop based Integrated Farming
3. Components of Farming Systems in Wetland Ecosystem
4. Integration of Suitable Allied Enterprises for Wetland Ecosystem
5. Crop - Livestock Integrated Farming System
6. Outcome of Integrated Farming Systems in Wetland Ecosystem
7. Constraints in Adoption of Integrated Farming Systems
8. Integrated Nutrient Management in Rice-based Cropping System
9. Economic of Farming System Research
10. Evaluation of Cropping Systems
Water Management Research on Rice based Cropping System
1. Water Management Practices in Rice-based Cropping System
2. System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Water Management
3. Drip Irrigation and Fertigation on Rice-based Cropping System
4. Economics of Drip Irrigation and Fertigation on Rice based Cropping System
5. Water use Studies
Nutrient Management Research on Rice based Cropping System
1. Organic Farming and Crop Productivity
2. Impact of Organic Manures on Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties of Soil
3. Green Manuring
4. Farmyard Manure
5. Vermicompost
6. Composted Poultry Manure
7. Combined Effect of Organic Sources of Nutrients
8. Integrated Nutrient Management
9. Nutrient Balance and Economics of Rice-based Cropping System
10. Nutrient use Studies
Weed Management Research on Rice based Cropping System
1. Weed Spectrum in Rice-based Cropping System
2. Crop Weed Competition
3. Weed Management on Growth, Yield Attributes and Yield of Rice
4. Weed Management on Nutrient Depletion by Weeds and Uptake by Crop
5. Pre-emergence Herbicide
6. Post-emergence herbicides
7. Pre and Post Emergence Herbicide Application
8. Effect of Herbicides on Soil Biological Properties
9. Economics of Weed Management Practices on Rice-based Cropping System
10. Weed use Studies
1. Abbreviations used in Farming System Research
2. Abbreviations used in Water Management Research
3. Abbreviations used in Nutrient Management Research
4. Abbreviations used in Weed Management Research