The book Ayurvedic Drug Plants contains information on more than 225 common plants, which are used frequently in ayurvedic system of medicine. These plants are arranged under their ayurvedic names of popular names. Each plant has been provided its common names in different languages to make their identification locally easier in various parts of the country. Besides, the description for each plant with its distribution notes, information on parts used and medicinal uses is given. The experiences of tribal people or of those, who are residing in the interior parts of the country, are discussed under folk uses of the plants. Plant nomenclature is updated to avoid any doubt in plant species, leading a wrong identification of the plant. Wherever available. the latest information on chemical constitutes of each plant species is also provided. Appendices on Classical Ayurvedic Formulas Read more
Table of Contents
Contents Chapter 1: Basics of Ayurveda; Introduction, Origin and development of ayurveda, Fundamentals of ayurveda; Chapter 2: Description and Discussion on Plants; Figures, Appendices, Classical ayurvedic formulas, Modern ayurvedic formulas, Addresses of ayurvedic pharmaceutical concerns, Glossary of medical terms.