Metaphors of Memory: Healing Through Past and Current Life Regression A Doctor's Perspective (Paperback)

Metaphors of Memory: Healing Through Past and Current Life Regression A Doctor's Perspective (Paperback)

Dr Natwar Sharma
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Metaphors of Memory reveals the mysteries of the mind and the influence of our past and current life experiences on our present behaviour. Drawing from his years of research and practice, Dr Natwar Sharma—a paediatrician who turned to practising past-life regression therapy—describes how it is possible to access powerful subconscious patterns and unlock a curative pathway. He demystifies this powerful healing tool through detailed case studies that demonstrate the release of unhealthy patterns, beliefs and energies as a route to healing. The book offers hope to those interested in supplementing their treatment regimens with holistic therapies that go beyond the manifest and the physical. Importantly, it is also an appeal to the medical fraternity to open up to regression therapy as a complementary non-conventional mode of treatment.