Poultry sector is presently at a crucial stage facing myriads of challenges that have to be tackled judiciously. The escalation in the demand of the poultry products like egg, meat and processed item has to be made resilient in terms of sustainable production system i.e. optimum feed utilization efficiency, biotic and abiotic stress owing to the variation in climate and environments perturbations, along with the health and management Apart from above said issues that are of major importance and have to be dispensed meticulously, other underlying issues that has been largely ignored is the necessity of making poultry production remunerative for the poultry farmers book entitled new horizons in poultry farming is an edited book of basic concept of poultry production book chapters of poultry farming has been contributed by the various scholars and faculty members pertaining to various area of Nutrition, Physiology, Disease and Health Housing Management and Post-Harvest Technology stress management Environment Hygiene Welfare, Waste Utilization and organic Farming etc.
This book is useful for PG, PhD. Student field Veterinarians as well as Faculty to refresh and upgrade their scientific knowledge of poultry farming. Contents: Recent Feedstuffs for Economic Poultry Production
Poultry Welfare
Recent Advances in Poultry Housing and Management
Overview of Indian Poultry Industry
Poultry Feed Processing
Organic Poultry Farming
Processing and Preservation of Poultry Meat
Livestock & Poultry Waste Utilization Strategies
Physio-biochemical Alterations Due to Stress in Poultry
Review on: Insects as Alternative Protein Source in Poultry Nutrition
Designer Egg
Nutrient Requirements for Poultry
Control of Enteropathogens in Poultry Production
Organic Poultry Farming in India – Issue & Approaches
Cryopreservation of Poultry Semen
Effect of Storage Temperature Fluctuation on Embryonic Development, Mortality and Hatchability of Broiler Hatching Eggs
Different Types of Extender (diluents) used in Poultry Breeds and their Effect
Use of Moringa oleifera as a Poultry Feed : Review
Artificial Insemination in Poultry
Supplementation of Cassia tora as an Alternative to Antibiotic Growth Promoter in Broiler Birds
Application of Nano-Particles in Poultry Feeding
Prospects of Indian Poultry Sector and Ways Forward
Scope of Diversified Poultry Farming for Augmenting Rural Economy
Some Important Zoonotic Diseases of Poultry Birds, Risk Factors and Simple Strategy to Prevent Them
Poultry Housing System
Importance of Exogenous Enzymes in Poultry Feeding
Backyard Poultry as Livelihood Security for Rural Farmers
Kadaknath Chicken Farming: Empowering Indian Rural Economy
Light Management in Poultry Production
Biosecurity Measures in Poultry Farms
Phytoadditives in Poultry Nutrition
Nutritional Efficiencies of Poultry Meat Over other Meat Sources
Backyard Poultry Flocks and Salmonellosis: A Recurring, Yet Preventable Public Health Challenge
Commercial Quail Farming in India
Vaccines Failure in Poultry: Factors to Consider
Nutritional Management of Heat Stress in Poultry
Poultry as Healthier Source of Meat for Human Consumption
Principles of Health Management for Poultry