Nutritional Level of Farm Women: A Multilayer Analysis (Hardback)

Nutritional Level of Farm Women: A Multilayer Analysis (Hardback)

Sunanda Biswas, S K Acharya and Minati Sen
2508 2850 (12% off)
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Farm women are the backbone of Indian agriculture and cater more than seventy-five per cent of farm operations, at home or on field. But, they are the unsung contributors and mostly remain overlooked. The nutritional management and healthcare of farm women merit an epitomized attention so that both food security and social security can be ensured for all, not only for the gender only. The book is the resultant of an arduous research work on farm women of Bengal from an ecological and social perspective. The target populations are farmwomen, mostly from a marginal land category and are thriving in different operating agro-ecosystems. Some important indicators as well as variables have been empirically tested at ground levels, estimated through multivariate analysis to see as to how and where this variable can offer a strong micro level policy implication for the sustainable health and nutrition management of farm women in a multi-layer reality.