Beekeeping is not only a means of felicity but also fructuous to the beekeepers. It also benefits the community as a whole. Honeybees and plants have intimate associations with each other. The present publication in the form of a book “Fundamentals of Beekeeping” will useful to students, extension workers, beekeepers, farmers and those who have interest in apiculture.
Contents: Introduction and History
Advantages of Beekeeping
Establishment of Ideal Apiary
Biology and Behavior of Honeybees
Equipments and their Importance
Seasonal Management
Importance of
Queen Bee in Colony
Bee Pasturage
Production and Processing of Beehive Products
Threats to Honeybees
Bee Poisoning
Honeybee Pollination
Constraints and Suggestions for Beekeeping
16 Amazing Facts of Honeybee