Imagining the World: Literature, Philosophy, Myth and Reality (Hardback)

Imagining the World: Literature, Philosophy, Myth and Reality (Hardback)

Edited by Dr Varsha Singh
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It is a truism that human beings understand their world through stories. Stories have accompanied the evolution of society in its structuration as well as in its ordering. One would not exaggerate if one says we make sense of reality by its linguistic construction. This might be seen as a linguistic turn in conceptualising reality; this has to be accepted that the imagination itself is constructed around the language or the languages we are acquainted with. Cutting across disciplines we can understand reality through literature – oral, written, historical, mythical or philosophical. In the times we live in this very fact has led to the concept of multiple realities, even a fragmentation of reality leading to the pluralising attitude to the erstwhile essential concepts about universal themes. In our age when literature is being written not in its traditional manner but on devices having its own brains, under the huge pressures of the unstoppable force of globalising and globalised realities which in turn are at best fragmented and fragmenting. This volume is an attempt to bring in ideas primary from the world of literature, theory, philosophy, history, as well as other disciplines feeding the thoughts.