Perennial Underutilized Horticultural Species of India (Hardback)

Perennial Underutilized Horticultural Species of India (Hardback)

Ajit Arun Waman and Pooja Bohra
3428 3895 (12% off)
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Present book is a systematic compilation of information on thirty four lesser known and underutilized species. Covered species have restricted distribution in specific ecosystems of India and have potential to be utilized as novel sources of food, medicines, industrially important compounds, natural colourant, breeding material, rootstock etc. Information on various aspects has been presented in a structured and comprehensible manner. This will help in sustainable utilization of these futuristic genetic resources. Considering limited scattered information available on most of the species, authors have enriched the chapters by including first-hand information from own experiences. A number of endemic species, which have not been explored scientifically so far, have also been covered to help them understand better. Contributions from various ecosystems have been included to make the book interesting and geographically balanced. Overall, the book is a sincere attempt to introduce some of the lesser known and underutilized horticultural species of India to the students, researchers and academicians working on various aspects of biodiversity.