Climate Change Management through Agro-Technological Approaches (Hardback)
Jag Paul Sharma and Vishaw Vikas
₹4296₹4995(14% off)
Climate change is large scale shift in weather patterns at global level and its manifestation is seen
in the form of frequent natural calamities such as flash floods, droughts, melting glaciers and
sinking islands. It is attributed by and large to non-ecofriendly anthropogenic developments.
Prominent among them are industrialization, lavish lifestyle and intensive use of agro-chemicals.
Biosphere is under threat as due to climate change, global warming is manifesting faster and a
thermal shoot up of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels could be expected earlier by 2030 than
predicted 2040. Ocean acidification and warming due to carbonization threatens marine
ecosystems, particularly the coral reefs. Terrestrial biodiversity is suffering from climatic shifts,
jeopardizing the food and nutritional security worldwide as 14% local species loss on average
predicted already at 1–2°C warming. It is estimated that impacts will be more pronounced in the
developing world than in the developed world, more on hill ecosystems than plains and more on
rainfed agriculture than irrigated systems. Conventional and organic agro-systems are more
climate resilient than agro-chemicals based intensive systems. Moreover agriculture has been
predicted to be an effective strategy for Climate Change Management if impregnated with
appropriate technological interventions which formed the base of conceptualization of this book.
First chapter introduces issues, initiatives and impact of climate change; second one elaborates
the evolution of climate system on the planet. Induction of climate resilience in agroecosystems
through microbial consortium approach, bio-fertilizers applications, genetic resources
management, pahtosystems, crop modeling and crop contingency planning is described in
chapters 3, 4, 7, 20, 26 and 27 respectively. Whereas in terms of latest technological
interventions for strategic management of climate change, a wider coverage is given to
Integrated Pest Management, organic agriculture, crop phenology, rooftop gardening, geospatial
technologies, cityscaping, protected cultivation, hydroponics, water management technologies,
carbon farming and next generation fertilizers in chapters 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and
21. Impact of climate change on livestock farming is available in chapters 22, 23 and 24. Smart
Technologies like nanotechnology and drone technology, deal with the issue in chapters 10, 11
and 12. Special feature of this volume is chapter no 5 revealing the role of Yog Science in
resilience against climate change. Last chapter helps the readers to acquaint themselves with
glossary and terminology related to climate change. The book will serve as reference source for
scientists and text book for students.