The Concepts of Ethnobotany (Hardback)

The Concepts of Ethnobotany (Hardback)

Ashok Kumar Awasthi
1391 1495 (7% off)
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The book is designed to provide the concepts of Ethnobotany. It include all aspects of aboriginal and traditional use including food, clothing ,fuel, medicines, poisons, narcotics, stimulants, perfumes, dyes, and so on. Emphasis has been given on regional plants and their practical uses through the traditional knowledge of a local culture and people . Efforts has been also been made to document the local customs involving the practical uses of local flora of many aspects of life, such as plants as medicine, clothing, currency, custom, cosmetics ,dye, for hunting and in religious ceremonies. Written in student’s friendly style, the book will be immensely useful to the students pursuing undergraduate, Post graduate, and research in Ethnobotany and those appearing for various competitive examination. The book will introduce the students to the methods of research and should also help the specialist to appreciate the linkage of the subject with other disciplines and to discover new areas of study and application of Ethnobotany. Salient Features Provides concise account on various aspects of the ethnobotany in simple manner. Concepts and definitions of ethnobotany evolved along different lines. Provide a comprehensive summary of the history and modern state of the ethnobotany. Basic introduction to the field, showing how Botany, Anthropology, Ecology, Economics, is all employed in the techniques and methods involved. Can be profitably used as a laboratory manual for practical and research purposes. Relevance of ethnobotany in the present context has been discussed in detail. Socio-economic development of ethnic groups has been emphasized. Notable publications in ethnobotany are useful for students, teachers and researchers. Contents 1.Introduction 2.Development of Ethnobotany 3.Aspects of ethnobotany 4.Importance of ethnobotany 5.Renowned Ethnobotanists - 6.Ethnic groups 7.Methods of research in ethnobotany- 8.Plants