Environment and Self-Endangered Man (Paperback)

Environment and Self-Endangered Man (Paperback)

J V Amin
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The book traces the history of the environment movement and defines environment as a resource platform shared by all life forms. Resources of land, water and air and controversies of ozone hole and global warming are discussed from the view points of environmentalists, conservationists, developers, administrators, scientists and general public. There is also a wealth of information on subjects ranging from destruction of rain forests to coral reefs, from water sheds to wetlands and dam and river management. A number of colored photographs lend emphasis to the narrative of the text, and all chapters of the book carry a large number of references that can be used for further reading. A partial list of threatened and endangered species from the IUCN's 'Red Book' is given in appendix; it brings home the extent of the environmental degradation that has occurred. The book can be used as a text for environmental studies, as a required reading in advance courses in social studies, environmental planning, rural studies and a host of allied subjects; and NGOs, social activists, and consumer advocates will be able to use the book as reference source in their libraries and discussions.