The Hunger of the Republic: Our Present in Retrospect (Hardback)

The Hunger of the Republic: Our Present in Retrospect (Hardback)

Edited by Ashish Rajadhyaksha
1116 1200 (7% off)
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India Since the 90s (general editor: Ashish Rajadhyaksha) is a series of six titles exploring recent history from the standpoint of the present moment. As we face new and unprecedented phenomena in the twenty-first century, along with the new, there is also a ghostly re-evocation of things we have seen and done that relentlessly suggest that we may have been here before. Familiar forms and arguments become curiously prescient revealing new relevance. This series includes texts and images from diverse academic disciplines, curated and assembled by practitioners looking back to reconsider our past. The Hunger of the Republic: Our Present in Retrospect is the first of a series of volumes that turn back to India’s recent history to produce a retrospective account of how our present got shaped. A return to the last three decades, and to the mutations caused by globalization to concepts such as democracy, welfare and justice, indeed the very idea of the people as citizen-subjects, produce a new staging ground for the apparently unprecedented nature of the contemporary moment. Key essays on politics, economics, cultural studies, and aesthetics appear alongside works of art, documentary film, photography, maps, letters and legal documents.