Voices from the Indian Diaspora (Hardback)

Voices from the Indian Diaspora (Hardback)

Dr Smeetaa A. Wanjarri
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This book presents a critical study of diasporic literature of Indian writers! Diaspora Literature helps people to understand the background history of their native land. Each society has a different cultural and historical background and it depends on the dominant society. Diaspora is not a new genre; it has its root in history and religion. Diasporic literature is a broad concept. It consists of all literary works written by the authors, who have settled outside their native country and have written on the culture and tradition of their homeland. We have different aspects regarding diasporic sensibility in literary works. Migration is one of the most important aspects of it. It denotes movement of living beings and human migration of people to different space. Diaspora literature also seeks the idea of cultural hybridity and multiculturalism. It perceives ethnic qualities inside a particular geographical habitation. It draws others to be benefited by the commitments to society made by individuals from various ethnic foundations. This book is intended for university level students and teachers, researchers and other informed readers with an interest in the above subject, and serves as both a survey of the field and an intervention within it.