Encountering Trauma Through Literature (Hardback)

Encountering Trauma Through Literature (Hardback)

Priya D Wanjari and Neehal R Sheikh
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The primary aim of literature is to bring forth the issues the individuals or society is dealing with. Trauma is one of the most horrific experiences faced in different manners in varied situations and circumstances and this has been reflected by eminent writers through their point of views. Prominent writers like Amrita Pritam, Toni Morrison, Arundhati Roy, Jhumpa Lahiri and many others have discussed the themes resulting out of traumatic experiences. The study of Trauma through the Psychoanalytic Theory of Sigmund Freud is highlighted to develop a fair understanding about Trauma Studies. The co-relationship between Trauma Studies and Dalit Literature has also been shown Baby Kamble's 'The Prison We Broke'. Recent terrorist attacks by Al-Qaeda have also resulted into trauma. The writers, from India and abroad, have been constantly depicting not only such horrific experiences but suggesting appropriate remedial measures. It can be seen in the book that the remedial measures suggested are according to the prevailing circumstances in a particular geographical area. The Topic has been studied from different approaches like race, sex, gender, nationality, terrorism and ethnicity to show how these factors affect differently in a particular geographical area. The book voices views of those radical writers who want to put an end to mental and physical torture so that nobody falls prey to Trauma. It is a unique collection of scholarly papers which will prove to be extremely helpful to Teachers, researchers and students interested in Trauma Studies.