Novels of Devdutt Pattanaik: A Critical Exploration (Hardback)

Novels of Devdutt Pattanaik: A Critical Exploration (Hardback)

Ashish Gupta
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India’s most beloved mythology explicator Devdutt Pattanaik is an Indian physician turned mythologist, orator, illustrator and author, known for his prolific writing on sacred lore, legends, folklore, fables and parables, and for challenging willful misinterpretations of ancient Indian scriptures, stories, symbols and rituals by Western and Westernised scholars. His work focuses primarily on the areas of myth, religion, mythology, and management. He has incorporated Vedic knowledge into human resource management. What emerges from Pattanaik’s treatment of mythology is that he is not interested in mythology for myth’s sake alone. Pattanaik is a keen observer of life and he tries to corroborate his views on life and society with the help of ancient wisdom that lies embedded in myths. Pattanaik has been a student of religion and mythology almost all his life and his books are an attempt to make this knowledge – often limited to scholarly works – accessible to regular folks. This book would be of immense help to students, teachers, researchers and anyone interested in a detailed study of Pattanaik’s novels!