Rainfed Agriculture and Watershed Management (Hardback)

Rainfed Agriculture and Watershed Management (Hardback)

R K Naresh, S S Dhaliwal, Vivek, O VS Thenu, S K Gupta and Vivek Sharma
2867 3295 (13% off)
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Part-I - Theoretical Component 1 Dryland farming 2 Rainfed agriculture 3 Dryland cropping system 4 Soils of dryland area 5 Alternate land use system for dryland areas 6 Watershed management 7 Drought 8 Water harvesting Part-II - Practical Component 1 To understand the complete watershed characteristics and various watershed parameters using topographic maps 2 Delineation of watersheds 189 3 Field demonstrations on construction of water harvesting structures 193 4 Classification of climate in India 197 5 Computation of evapotranspiration principle 201 6 Calculations of effective rainfall and average rainfall in a watershed 205 7 Visit to watershed and PRA exercises 207 8 Cultural practices for drought mitigation methods and strategies 9 Survey work to assess current and potential drought impacts 10 Field demonstration on soil & moisture conservation measures