Student’s Book on Organic Evolution, Systematics and Taxonomy (Hardback)

Student’s Book on Organic Evolution, Systematics and Taxonomy (Hardback)

Surjya Kumar Saikia
2020 2295 (12% off)
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Most books on evolution ignores the need of understanding on systematic and taxonomy and focuses extensively on evidences of evolution. The evolution and systematic are intricately related to each other. Without evolution, systematic has no basis, and without systematic, evolution has no explanation. This book has covered both the aspects to make it complete by itself.” This book is also designed with simple languages and illustrations. All efforts were made to focus on conceptual ideas in the topics included. This is maintained because it is necessary for every student, who is beginner in the field of science to maintain a balance while understanding a subject like evolution and systematics....” A set of questions is also added at the end of each chapter which will help them for self-evaluation of knowledge and understanding on the topics covered in the book. The book is directly useful for all graduate (and also post graduate) classes, even undergraduates students can follow this book without any pre-knowledge on the subjects...”