Cultivation of Agricultural Crops: A Complete Guide (Hardback)

Cultivation of Agricultural Crops: A Complete Guide (Hardback)

S V Patil and Rajakumar G R
2393 2750 (13% off)
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The Book offers Comprehensive Coverage of Chapterss on Insigh into Agricultural Crops, agronomic practices of all the agricultural crops form cereal to green manure crops. it is required to follow the practices from land preparation to harvest. it is the authors intent to produce compendium of information that is useful to students, scientists and extension functionaries. The material can be used for teaching undergraduate and post-graduate students of agricultural, Horticultural Forestry, veterinary and Animal Husbandry and other Universities. Contents: About Author Content Insight into Agricultural Crops Millets 1. Maize 2. Rice 3. Wheat Pulses 1. Green Gram 2. Lab Bean/Field Bean 3. Peas (Pisum sativum L.) Oilseed Crops Commercial Crops Sugarbeet Forage Crops 1. Cereal Fodders 2. Legume Fodders 3. Perennials Pasture Grasses 4. Forage Legumes Green Manure Crops 1. Green Manuring 2. Green Leaf Manuring References