Mineral Nutrition Of Fruit Crops (Acta Horticulturae 1217) Hardback

Mineral Nutrition Of Fruit Crops (Acta Horticulturae 1217) Hardback

T MImmo, Y Pii and F Scandellari
3302 3795 (13% off)
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The control of the mineral nutrient status of horticultural crops remains both a challenge and prerequisite for successful horticultural production in developing as well as developed countries. The present book spread over fifty-nine chapters, written by eminent research workers who have been engaged in the area of mineral nutrition of fruit crops. This book covers a wide range of topics, stretching from the challenges in mineral nutrition of plants under the climate change to the rhizosphere availability of nutrients and their acquisition processes, to the relationships between plant mineral nutrition status and fruit quality, to the advancements in the sustainable management of mineral nutrition under conventional and organic farming to the importance of fine tuning nutrient and water supply to tree needs.